Entry Doors
We use the finest hardwood species, such as mahogany or oak. Every door is unique and is handmade to your specifications. We primarily serve the New York and Tri-state area.
You have a choice of glazed or solid panels and the door will be handcrafted to your exact design specifications. In addition, we offer a full range of high quality hardware along with numerous finish options. We will also remove and dispose of your existing door system.
With Right Path wood entry doors, you can always expect:
Full design, supply, and install services
Solid wood stiles and rails suitable for exterior doors
Specialized glazing options, including wavy restorer glass and double glazing for enhanced thermal and acoustic insulation
High security hardware.
Key options to reduce the number of keys you have to manage
Fully customized options for paneling and mouldings, hardware, glazing and paint
Factory applied spray paint finish for lower maintenance
Full perimeter draft proofing